

pets二级公共英语等级考试口语对话 篇1


a: is janine really up to the task of working and looking after a family?

b: don’t be so sexist! there are two in every relationship. what about roger?

a: janine真的既能工作,又能顾家吗?

b: 被歧视女性!男女关系中不是有两个人吗?roger是干什么吃的'?


a: i’m confident that i’ve got what it takes to become the next company ceo.

b: so you think you’ve got the formula, tom? i guess since you’ve finished your mba and worked here for 10 years, you should know how to get there.

a: 我坚信我能胜任公司下一任的ceo的职位。

b: tom,这么说,你已经胸有成竹了?我想,读完了mba,又在这儿工作了10年,你应该知道怎么样才能当上ceo吧。


up to the task:这个短语用来讨论某人或某物是否合格、是否做够有才能完成某项工作。

what it takes:成功的必要条件。通常用于谈论某项任务或工作。

the formula:在口语中常用来指做某事的方法。这种方法不一定是数学方程式,但通常是比较复杂的。


ceo:首席执行官chief executive officer的缩写。

mba:工商管理学硕士master of business administration的缩写。

pets二级公共英语等级考试口语的经典对话题目 篇2


a: as a child, he had a sturdy build.

b: he was also tough. he always picked fights and usually won.

a: the brawny kids always seem to be the bullies, don’t they?

b: i think that’s because they can be forceful with the other kids on the playground and nobody will fight back.

a: 对一个小孩儿来说,他体格算强健的。

b: 他也很粗野,总喜欢打架而且常常获胜。

a: 强壮的孩子怎么总是喜欢凌弱欺小?

b: 我想那是因为在操场上和其他小孩子在一起时,他们特别霸道,没有人敢还手。





pick fights:挑起事端,寻衅斗殴。



pets二级公共英语等级考试口语的经典对话题目 篇3


a: i am as awkward as a cow on skates.

b: i know. these formal dinners just aren’t my speed.

a: i agree. let’s not come to one of these events again.

a: 我笨得像一头穿着溜冰鞋的牛。

b: 我知道。我不喜欢这样正儿八经的晚餐。

a: 我也不喜欢。咱们以后再也别到这种场合了。


a: when i first went to china, i was so ham-fisted that i couldn’t even handle chopsticks.

b: you still are. look, you’re pounding on the nuts, but they’re bouncing all over the floor.

a: 刚到中国的时候,我笨手笨脚的,连筷子都不会用。

b: 现在你也不灵巧啊。瞧,砸个坚果弄得满地都是。


be awkward as a cow on skates:指某人行动笨拙,不能把事情办好。也可以用来形容某人没有信心把某项体育活动做好。

be not one’s speed:指某人对所谈论的事不感兴趣。


pound on:猛敲,用力砸。


英语等级考试pets-2口语专题 篇4

trev: they don’t have my favorite flavor.

paul: can’t you just order something else?

trev: i just want one scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

paul: they’ve gotta have something else.

trev: i guess i could get something with cookies in it.

paul: while you order, i’m gonna go look at the candy section.

trev: hey, can you get me a gobstopper?

paul: no problem. order me a yukon blast, would you? coconut and peanut butter ice cream. and help me pick the toppings and syrup.










cookie dough 饼干块

candy section 糖果区,美国有些冰淇淋店会附设卖糖果的地方

gobstopper (n.) (大)硬糖球

yukon (n.) 育空地区,位于加拿大西北部

英语等级考试pets-2口语专题 篇5

1.introduce capabilities 介绍能力

a: let me introduce to you our development capabilities.

b: go ahead.



2. laser pointer 激光笔

a: could i borrow a laser pointer from you?

b: certainly. here you are.


b:当然,给您。 slide please 请翻到下一页幻灯片

a: that’s all i want to say for this example. next slide please.

b: okay.



4.raise questions 提问

a: don’t hesitate to ask questions.

b: raise your questions whenever you have one. if you wait, you may forget.


b:有问题随时提出来,要是等着的话,就可能会忘掉。 the findings 展示成果

a: let me show you the findings of our project.

b: make it as detailed as possible.



6.i’d like to entertain any questions. 我愿意回答任何问题。

a: that’s all i have to present. i’d like to entertain any questions.

b: i have a question. what makes you so sure that this program will be successful?



7.jump in at any time 随时提问

a: during my presentation, please jump in at any time if we have questions.

b: okay. we will interrupt you if we have questions.



8.the products of our company 我公司的产品

a: i thought you would like to know the products of our company.

b: yes, we do.please go ahead on this subject.



9.we are a private service company. 我们是个私营的服务公司。

a: we are a private service company.

b: do you mean your company is not public?



10.we are specialized in ... 我们专营……

a: we are specialized in market research.

b: especially in automotive industry?



pets二级公共英语等级考试口语对话 篇6


a: my english is a bit rusty. i haven’t used it since high school.

b: yeah. mine is too. it needs a bit of oiling up.

a: 我的英语有点儿荒废了,高中以后就没怎么用过。

b: 我也是。需要补补了。


a: that jane is such a dolt. she left her cellphone in a taxi.

b: what a ninny! that’s the third time this year!

a: 那个jane可真笨,把手机落在出租车里了。

b: 真是个笨蛋!这已经是今年第三次发生了!


rusty: (因缺乏实践)质量或标准下降;荒疏。

need oiling up: 形容某人技艺不精,需要多加练习。

dolt: 呆子,傻瓜。

ninny: 傻子,笨人。

pets二级公共英语等级考试口语对话 篇7


a: jeannie thinks she’s really hot stuff at samba dancing.

b: well, she did live in brazil for five years, and used to go to all of the good dance bars.

a: jeannie觉得她跳桑巴舞特牛。

b: 我一点儿也不奇怪,她是在巴西呆过五年,常去各种水准不低的'舞厅。


a: are you up to a game this rough?

b: of course! can a duck swim?

a: oh, ok! i just don’t want you to get hurt.

a: 这么剧烈的运动你能行吗?

b: 当然!有不会游泳的鸭子吗?

a: 好吧。我只是不想让你受伤。


be hot stuff at sth.: 这个短语可以用于褒义,用来夸奖某人的'某种行为。也可以用于贬义,来暗示某人过于傲慢自大。

up to sth.: 指某人有足够的能力和才能去完成某件事。

can a duck swim? : 当对方说了什么在听者看来是显而易见的事情的时候,这句话常用作一个简短的机智反驳。意思相当于“当然我能做到。这不是明摆着吗?”

get hurt: 受伤。


a: i am as awkward as a cow on skates.

b: i know. these formal dinners just aren’t my speed.

a: i agree. let’s not come to one of these events again.

a: 我笨得像一头穿着溜冰鞋的牛。

b: 我知道。我不喜欢这样正儿八经的晚餐。

a: 我也不喜欢。咱们以后再也别到这种场合了。


a: when i first went to china, i was so ham-fisted that i couldn’t even handle chopsticks.

b: you still are. look, you’re pounding on the nuts, but they’re bouncing all over the floor.

a: 刚到中国的时候,我笨手笨脚的',连筷子都不会用。

b: 现在你也不灵巧啊。瞧,砸个坚果弄得满地都是。


be awkward as a cow on skates: 指某人行动笨拙,不能把事情办好。也可以用来形容某人没有信心把某项体育活动做好。

be not one’s speed: 指某人对所谈论的事不感兴趣。

ham-fisted: 笨手笨脚的。愚笨的。

pound on: 猛敲,用力砸。

bounce: 弹跳。

pets二级公共英语等级考试口语对话 篇8


a: i am helpless to change the situation.

b: it was a clumsy mistake that got you in trouble. forgetting to give the boss his wife’s message makes you look incapable.

a: but i’m usually not a blundering idiot. how can i fix the problem?

b: apologize and in the future prove you aren’t incompetent.

a: 我现在可是回天乏术了。

b: 你犯了个非常愚蠢的错误,居然忘了把老板太太的话传给老板,这显得你很无能。

a: 我平时不是个常犯愚蠢错误的傻瓜。现在有什么办法补救吗?

b: 先跟老板道个歉,以后再证明你并非没有能力。


helpless: 无力的,无能的,不能自助的。

clumsy: 手脚笨拙的。样子不优雅的。

incapable: 没有能力或潜力的。不能胜任的。

blundering: 动作行为显得笨拙、错误、可笑的。不专业的。

incompetent: 不胜任的,不称职的。

get sb. in trouble: 使人陷入困境。

idiot: 白痴。

pets二级公共英语等级考试口语的经典对话题目 篇9


a: jeannie thinks she’s really hot stuff at samba dancing.

b: well, she did live in brazil for five years, and used to go to all of the good dance bars.

a: jeannie觉得她跳桑巴舞特牛。

b: 我一点儿也不奇怪,她是在巴西呆过五年,常去各种水准不低的舞厅。


a: are you up to a game this rough?

b: of course! can a duck swim?

a: oh, ok! i just don’t want you to get hurt.

a: 这么剧烈的运动你能行吗?

b: 当然!有不会游泳的鸭子吗?

a: 好吧。我只是不想让你受伤。


be hot stuff at sth.:这个短语可以用于褒义,用来夸奖某人的某种行为。也可以用于贬义,来暗示某人过于傲慢自大。

up to sth.:指某人有足够的能力和才能去完成某件事。

can a duck swim? :当对方说了什么在听者看来是显而易见的事情的时候,这句话常用作一个简短的机智反驳。意思相当于“当然我能做到。这不是明摆着吗?”

get hurt:受伤。
